Equi Wash Equine Laundry
Tel: 07810 403460
1 Brockhill Cottages, Worcester, WR5 2PP
About Us
Equiwash are one of Worcestershire`s market leading equine & canine launderettes offering a hassle-free, convenient service for your 4-legged pets. Equiwash has representatives across 6 different counties and can collect and deliver for free with no minimum order (t's & c's apply). No repair is too big or too small & we can accommodate all washing, reproofinh & recycling of regs, boots, numnahs, beds etc.along with human/rider wear too! 'LIKE' our Faceboook to be the first to find out about our whereabouts & exclusive offers. We also offer loyalty & recommendation discounts to return customers. Contact your local equine service for more info.

- Rug Washing Services
- Open 7 Days A Week
- Commercial Laundry
- Storage And Recycling
- Laundries