11 matches found for Window Cleaners in East Harptree
- Window Cleaners
Tel: 01275 289026
Mobile: 07966 911481
Local Window Cleaning services in Winscombe and surrounding areas. For a smear-free, reliable window wash or a clean up of your gutters please give us a call. We also offer first wash discounts so just call and we'll do the rest.

- Window Cleaners
- Guttering Services
Mobile: 07752 191382
Tel: (01934) 844123
- Window Cleaners
- Guttering Services
Tel: 07885 451628
Mobile: 07877 670482
Do you need to sort out those little jobs that you never get round to sorting? I work both inside and outside to help you keep your house neat and tidy. ~ Gardening ~ Hedge cutting ~ Lawn mowing ~ Handyman - Call me to discuss what you need.

- Property Maintenance
- Handyman Services
- Window Cleaners
- Garden Services
Mobile: 07495 815988
- Window Cleaners
- Cleaning Services and Supplies
Mobile: 07495 815988
- Window Cleaners
- Guttering Services
Tel: 01458 258188
Mobile: 07786 224411
- Window Cleaners
- Guttering Services
Tel: 07546 854859
7 Mead Close, Shirehampton, Bristol, BS11 0EQ
- Window Cleaners
Tel: 07891708865