23 matches found for Electricians in Dymock
Local Electric currently serve both commercial and private customers for electrical services. We cover the areas of Forest of Dean, Ross on Wye and Monmouth. We only employ qualified electricians and we are registered with NAPIT.

- Electricians
- Electrical Inspecting & Testing
- Lighting
Tel: 01594 833224
Mobile: 07917 028448
Whatever your electrical needs, no matter how small, the Team at Oakey & Son Ltd will be able to help, whether it's changing a light fitting or adding a new socket or a complete rewire or a new build, we are here to help.

- Electricians
- Electrical Appliance Repairs
- Electrical Inspecting & Testing
- Ovens
Tel: (01594) 723082
Tel: 07790 308838
45 Lakeside Ave, Lydney, GL15 5PY
Electrical installation and maintenance contractors based in Lydney. Either industrial, commercial or domestic works. Fully certified.

- Electricians
- Electrical Inspecting & Testing
Tel: (01594) 842215
With quality of service being our main aim, we offer services ranging from the smallest repair to a brand new installation. We can offer you a no obligation quote. Contact us for more information. (Members of the NICEIC since 1968).

- Electricians
- Lighting
- Showers
- Ovens
Tel: 01594 832000 or 832032
Mobile: 07812 059004
- Electricians
- Property Maintenance
- Electrical Inspecting & Testing
Mobile: 07740 702282
- Electrical Inspecting & Testing
Tel: 01594 563532
Tel: (01594) 841167
Mobile: 07867 541232